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Dear Black Woman Anthology Interest Form

Are you comfortable sharing personal stories or experiences related to trauma, healing, or triumph?
Do you have any photos from childhood that you’d like to include in the book?

If "Yes" Please provide details.

Do you consider yourself a confident writer, or would you like support during the process?
What themes do you feel your letter will focus on? (Select all that apply)
Are you available to attend a photo session in your area if coordinated?
Are you comfortable being featured in promotional materials, such as social media posts, interviews, or videos?
Would you be interested in participating in the monologue play adaptation of the anthology?
Would you be interested in attending the official book launch event in Atlanta, Georgia?
Would you like to participate in international events ?
Are you a poet, or do you have an interest in participating in a future Dear Black Woman poetry event or publication?
Would you like to contribute additional content, such as a poem or visual art, in addition to your letter?
How frequently would you like to be updated about the anthology's progress?
Are you interested in joining the Event Planning Committee for the Dear Black Woman anthology project?
If yes, which aspects of event planning interest you? (Check all that apply)
If Are you willing to attend virtual planning meetings?
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